Monday, May 10, 2010

Day One in the Life of a Teacher

Monday, May 10 - Day One, 8am-3:30pm

I apologize if I fall asleep during this post. It has been a tiring day, way more tiring than I could have ever imagined! It was a busy day that started with getting to school around 8. I then met up with Mr Sperling (my sponsor and head of the math department) where we jumped right in to first block. During the day I have four math classes. They are two seventh grade classes and two eighth grade classes. In between them are "planning blocks" That tend not to be a block for planning.

A quick start in the morning with a 7th grade class that is learning pre-algebra curriculum, specifically today they learned about basic two step equations. Next we moved in to second block where we had another 7th grade class. They are a very advanced group of kids that are actually learning algebra 1 concepts like todays activity, which was solving equations by completing the square. The next class was a group of 8th graders that were a bit harder to deal with, but fun at the same time. They are currently learning solving systems through elimination. Mr Sperling and I decided to grab an early lunch because we had a couple "planning blocks" ahead of us. After the quick bite to eat, at the cafeteria I haven't missed much since graduating, we went over to a math colleague of Mr. Sperling's and an old teacher of mine. We made groups for a physics field trip we will be going on during Wednesday.

It is a trip to Six Flags, where the kids will be learning about forces. After that meeting we had a "Team Meeting" during our scheduled lunch break. This consisted of all 7th grade teachers across the board meeting and talking about issues with scheduling, kids, and other topics for the future. This was both very interesting and productive. I even managed to participate by giving an alumni/kid's perspective on some topics. Back to the classroom we went, where a group of 8th graders were waiting for us, ready to get to work. At least that's what I believe they were doing.

This 8th grade class is an honors course that is learning how to solve equations by completing the square. You may be saying to yourself, "Aren't the 7th graders doing that?" The answer to the is, yes. The 7th grade class is actually so advanced that they have managed to catch up with the 8th grade Honors course. This also creates some interesting drama due to the fact that there are siblings in these classes. For instance a very smart young girl I met today in the 7th grade advanced class helped her brother (in the 8th grade honors course) with the homework the night before. Quite interesting and, as Mr. Sperling said, rare. We ended the day with what I would consider the most relaxing part of the day; our first actual planning block, where we printed out assignments for the next week. Laying on the desk as we walked out the door was the week in lesson plans and assignments. All in all it was a great first day, but also a tiring one. I plan to take a nap not only today, but everyday. I never really knew that it was this difficult, not only to just stand there and be engaged all day, but to also be running around to meetings and getting work done for the days to come. I am already learning so much and it is only day one. Tomorrow has a lot in store for me. I will be getting more involved in the class, rather than just observing, which is what today mostly was. Both Mr. Sperling and I are energetic and excited for what these next two weeks have in store.


  1. Very interesting background on the math classes, really sets the scene for where you are and what you're doing.

  2. Great post! I bet your former teachers are glad you get to see what its really like in front of a classroom. Its not as easy as it looks, in fact its exhausting. Napping is a great strategy - stick with it!

  3. Mr. Sperling is such a good teacher. i love his teaching style and it's very helpful for visual learners. Have fun and enjoy the rest of your time there.
